Toronto Bridge

Toronto bridge is one of the most comprehensive treatment methods for complete endentulism because of its impressive stability, excellent osseointergration, and beautiful appearance. The combination of Titanium implants and malo bridges help enhance the stability and tolerance, from now on, help extend the longevity and permanence of restorations as well as enhance the comfort and confidence for patients.

Toronto bridges in VTA Lab require extremely high technical standards from design, contour, porcelain, and stain departments. Malo bridges are printed from HBD Metal 3D Printer with high quality materials, then meticulously hand-crafted contour, and build up porcelain gum to satisfy both high tolerance in chewing as well as grinding force and natural outcomes. Full ceramic arches are manufactured by zirconia and PFM, which have long stability and outstanding appearance.


  • Various solutions in abutments and full-arches
  • Study and stable fundation
  • Long-lasting lifespan
  • Impressive oral function
  • True-to-natural treatment outcome


  • Up To 5-Year Warranty
  • 10-day Business Time
  • Excellent fitting and stability
  • Multiple Tiers of Production

However, Toronto bridge is contraindicated for patients with underlying conditions or chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, hypertension or high blood pressure, lung disease, diabetes, etc.

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