
Partial prosthodontics, which include acrylic partial, valplast partial, unilateral partials, are used to replace some missing teeth to protect the natural structure of the oral cavity from deformation because of misaligned teeth. This product line, especially valplast partial, requires a high technique-standard in which technicians must meticulously trim the wax to ensure perfect fitting and aesthetics for the finished products.

We use high-class materials such as Yamahachi, Vertex Dental, Lucitone 199 – Dentsply, Valplast, etc. to match the highest coloration of original teeth and gum.


  • Benign material
  • Light weight
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Restoring oral functionality
  • Easy cleaning


  • High esthetics
  • Excellent fitting
  • Affordable price
  • 1-year warranty
  • 10-day business time
  • Multiple Tiers of Production

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